Present: Todd Solem, Ryan Jilek, Rocky Stoltz, Paul Ellerkamp, Dale Sattler, Mike Anderson and Jon Stika.
Beer of the Month from Town & Country Liquors was Leinenkugels 1888 Bock. The Bock had a deep brown color, malty aroma, somewhat malty flavor profile with a caramel finish and enough hop bitterness to leave some sweetness in the finish. Not as malty as traditional German Bock beer. 1888 Bock would be a good introductory beer for those who have not yet tried a dark beer.
Jon read a report from his son, Tanner; regarding a tasting session of New Belgium Brewing Company’s beers that Tanner participated in at the Blue Moose in East Grand Forks, MN.
Rocky moved that the club apply for tax identification with the state of North Dakota. Ryan seconded. A tax identification number would allow the club to establish a checking account as a separate entity. Motion passed.
Jon Stika nominated Ryan Jilek to serve another term as Vice President. Ryan Jilek nominated Dale Sattler for Member at Large. Rocky Stoltz nominated Todd Solem for Member at Large. Ryan moved that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for those nominated. Motion passed. Ryan Jilek will serve another term as Vice President and Dale Sattler and Todd Solem will serve a term as Members at Large.
Rocky collected $25 dues from each member present at the meeting.
Jon presented information from Brew Your Own that would give club members a year subscription to BYO for $14 if the club could accumulate 10 subscribers by June 2009. Rocky passed the form around for those interested and retained the form to allow others to subscribe at the next meeting. Discussed including a subscription to BYO to be provided to the Dickinson Public Library.
It was agreed that Maurice “Moe” Lloyd be accepted to the club as an honorary member as he has brewed a batch of beer earlier this month that Jon will bring to the March 2009 meeting for evaluation by the membership. As an honorary member, Moe will not be subject to dues, nor have voting rights.
Discussed the production of beer glasses for each member. Ryan purchased a case of glasses and had them at the meeting. Ryan showed an example of what could be applied to the glasses, specifically, the club logo and members name and year they became a member. Ryan will proceed with procuring the vinyl transfers that will be applied to each glass to serve as a stencil for applying a permanent frost to each glass.
Rocky brought a home-brewed ESB. Paul brought a home-brewed English Bitter and home-made Lemoncello, and some Boddington’s Pub Ale. Jon brought some Hazed and Infused from the Boulder Beer Co. Todd brought some home-made Chokecherry wine. Dale brought some home-brewed Pilsner Urquell and some home-made Lemoncello. Ryan brought some home-made cheeses. Mike brought some pizza.
Ryan distributed the Michelob sampler cases and Horny Goat beers that he acquired at cost from Town & Country Liquors.
Jon Stika