Present: Ryan Jilek, Alan Church, Rocky Stoltz, Jerry Ford, Paul Ellerkamp, Dave Lehman, Michael Kreitinger, Jeremiah Thorpe and Jon Stika.
Beer of the Month was Samuel Adams Oktoberfest. This beer was an Americanized version of the style and lacked the malty, bready, bisquity body of a true European Oktoberfest. The beer was a bit light in malt and rather hoppy for the style, but otherwise a very clean and drinkable beer.
Rocky brought an American Ale made with locally grown noble hops and some wild hops that he picked along the railroad tracks near his home. The beer had a good balance with a noticeable diacetyl (butterscotch) aroma and flavor. The beer should improve with time.
Ryan brought an Amber Ale made solely with Amarillo hops. The beer was good and the Amarillo hops were citrusy with a nice grapefruit note. Ryan also brought a Belgian Wit with a bit of cumin spice in the recipe. The cumin was noticeable in the finish. The beer was rather young and should change somewhat with age.
Mike brought an American Ale made from a Midwest Brewing kit. The beer was clean with a malt finish. He also brought a Cherry Stout that was good and roasty with a cherry nose and finish.
Alan brought La Blonde Mechante Ale, Blueberry Saison, Kriek Lambic and Geuze Lambic #2. All these beers were very flavorful and unusual. The Blueberry Saison had a very fresh blueberry flavor with a sweet-sour balance. The Kriek Lambic had a sour profile with a subtle leathery note.
Paul brought a Peach Wheat Ale with good flavor and carbonation but no head retention. Discussion included using some wheat malt to assuring a good hot and cold break during the boil to help with head retention. Paul also brought an IPA that had good body and hoppiness.
A discussion regarding Star San recommended a dilution of one ounce Star San in five gallons water. This solution should have a pH <3 to remain effective. Contact time for sanitation was 2 minutes with a cold water rinse.
Jeremiah brought a wheat beer and a Brown Ale which were good, but could benefit from cooler fermentation as they were both a bit fruity.
Jerry brought a beer made with home made malt, cara-pils, Munich malt, homegrown Nugget hops and Bavarian Lager yeast. The beer was good, with a steam-beer character from a warm fermentation.
Ryan suggested meeting twice a month during the winter, but no motion was made suggesting we do so.
Jon Stika