Present: Dale Sattler, Paul Ellerkamp, Rocky Stoltz, Ryan Jilek and Jon Stika.  Dues of $25 for 2010 were collected from the members present.

Beer of the Month was Finnegans Irish Amber Ale brewed by Summit Brewing Co of St. Paul, MN.  This ale tastes very similar to an amber lager with good malt up front, hops in the middle with a smooth nutty malt finish.

Ryan nominated Jon for Secretary and Paul for President.  Discussion followed where Paul asked that someone else take the opportunity to be president for a term.  Dale agreed that he would accept a nomination for President.  Ryan amended his nomination to Jon for Secretary and Dale for President.   Rocky moved (seconded by Ryan) to cease nominations and cast unanimous ballots for Jon and Dale; motion passed.  Jon will be Secretary until 2012.  Dale will be President until 2012.

Dale reported that Midwest Homebrewing and Winemaking Supplies of Minneapolis, MN offers a 10% discount to members of a homebrewers club that can show a membership card for the club of which they are a member.   Ryan offered to produce membership cards for each member so anyone that patronized Midwest would be able to get the discount.

Paul brought Tyskie lager brewed by the Tyskie brewery of Poland.  The beer was very clean, malty and smooth with a spicy hoppiness that tasted very much like Saaz hops.  Jon brought an English Ale that he brewed some time ago that finished very neutral, to which he added whole Tettnang hops (that he grew) directly to the keg.  The beer was more flavorful than before, with a significant hop flavor and aroma.  Dale brought a Holiday Ale that he brewed from a kit from Midwest.  The beer was spicy, dark and malty.  The blend of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg was very good and in balance with the malt and hops.  Jon also brought a Campaign for real ale brochure from Scotland given to him by Chip Fisher of Rhame, ND.  Jon wore a shirt with an embroidered HRHB logo on it given to him by his son, Tanner.

Jon Stika

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