Present: Ryan Jilek, Glen Bruhschwein, Ellery Dykeman, Joel Emter and Jon Stika.

Collected 2015 dues from Jilek, Bruhschwein, Stika and Paul Ellerkamp.  Collected payment for Brew Your Own group subscription from Jilek, Bruhschwein, Stika and Paul Ellerkamp.  Election of Vice President, Treasurer and two Members At Large was tabled until the January 2015 meeting.  Discussed cleaning of club barrels when the weather warms in the spring.  Discussed harvesting and reusing yeast.

Motion by Stika, seconded by Jilek that the Heart River Home Brewers club purchase up to one beer recipe kit per month, including shipping and bottle caps as necessary, for a club member to brew.  The brewer of the beer may then keep half of the resulting batch of beer and bring the remainder to a club meeting to be sampled and distributed to the members in attendance.  Motion passed.

Discussion prior to passage of the motion included that perhaps the club could collectively suggest various recipe kits so a variety of beers would be brewed and that the club could order the kits or a member could order a kit with prior approval and received reimbursement for the kit if brewed for purposes of the motion.  Empty bottles could be collected at meetings to supply a brewer with bottles as needed.

Jon Stika

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