Present: Jerry Ford, Glen Bruhschwein, Ryan Jilek, Alan Church, Joel Emter, Jan Heimdal, Paul Ellerkamp, Todd Droval and Jon Stika.
Discussed club representation at the Knights of Columbus “A Knights Brew” event September 20th at the Dickinson Recreation Center. Jon and Ryan will represent the club at the event and each serve beers they brewed. Jon, Ryan and Jerry reported on their respective hop harvests. Jerry reported that he will acquire some malting barley from Elmer Miller later this month after the barley is harvested. Ryan presented an embroidered shirt for inspection with the club name and logo on it. The shirt will be sent to former member Dale Sattler according to a motion passed at an earlier meeting. The logo is on file at Custom Design in Dickinson if members would like to purchase a shirt with the logo. Glen moved that new members wishing to join after July 1st could pay a prorated dues of $12.50, seconded by Ryan, motion passed. Jan paid $12.50 dues to join as a new member. The club potluck was scheduled for Friday, September 26th at Stika’s.
Jon Stika

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