Well another year has passed us by and the arrival of fall really kicks off the start of the brewing season. To celebrate this transition we all gathered at Rocky Stoltz’s house for our annual picnic and beer appreciation night.

Peanuts and beer served as our kickoff appetizer. Brats, salads, cakes and of course beer were offered up as the main course. For desert we got real serious and started drinking beer. Now since my memory is suffering from some slight amnesia and maybe somewhat self induced I’ll need some help with the beers that were brought and ‘sampled’.  Beers brought and sampled included some A-B Redbridge sorghum beer, Rocky’s Belgian Wit made with lemon peel instead of orange peel, Jon’s Raspberry Lambic and Espresso Porter.

2007 HRHB Picnic 2007 HRHB Picnic 2007 HRHB Picnic 2007 HRHB Picnic 2007 HRHB Picnic

Following ‘desert’ we had a very heated (and close) couple of games of horseshoes before calling it a night. Once again thanks to Rocky and Lorri Stoltz for hosting this year’s event and everyone who contributed and attended.

Categories: News


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