Present: Ryan Jilek, Jerry Ford, Rocky Stoltz, Jon Stika, David Lehman and his friend Kira.

Town and Country beer of the month was Samuel Adams Coastal Wheat.  This was a light American style wheat beer with lemon.  The Coastal Wheat was a light wheat ale with good malt body and flavor up front with a nice refreshing lemon finish.

Jon brought New Glarus Brewing Stone Soup, a Belgian ale with spicy flavors from the Abbey yeast and Stevens Point Brewery 2012 Black Ale which was not sampled, but stored for the next meeting.  Ryan brought his chokecherry stout which had good roast and malt flavors with a port-like chokecherry finish, plus some home made June berry pie.  Rocky brought his chokecherry stout which had more pronounced roast flavor with a subtle chokecherry finish, plus some pickled eggs from Upin Thai take-out restaurant.  Jerry brought some Summit India Pale ale style Rye ale which was very hoppy with a good rye finish.  Jerry also brought some wine made by a friend of his from Concord grapes grown in Bismarck.  The wine was deep red, balanced and flavorful.

Rocky reported that the balance of the club account as of the end of June 2010 was $214.71.

Ryan updated us on the Oktoberfest plans in which Town and Country was planning to stock several brands of Oktoberfest beer in the store.  This would also coincide with St. Joseph’s hospital fall cook out.  Ryan suggested the club perform a brewing demonstration during the cook out and have some member-brewed beers for others to sample.  Rocky will plan to make a table banner with the club logo and web address for the event.

Ryan suggested having members brew a beer in the spirit of the “Iron Chef”.  Peated malt, Fuggles hops and honey were suggested as the three required ingredients for the Iron Chef brew.  Jon suggested we pursue this during the winter when most members do the majority of their brewing.

Jon Stika

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