Present: Jerry Ford, Derek Fox, Ryan Jilek, Steve Day, Terris Dietz, Rocky Stoltz, Craig Whippo, Greg Walter, Jacob Walter, Curtis Blaik, Paul Ellerkamp and Jon Stika.

Discussed “A Knight’s Brew” charity event organized by Knight’s of Columbus scheduled for October 5th at the Dickinson Charities Bingo Hall south of WalMart.  The club will bring a keg of barrel-aged Wee Heavy that is now stored at Stika’s.  Motion by Stika seconded by Jilek for Rocky to purchase a beer recipe kit with club funds to fill the second club keg to also be served at “A Knight’s Brew”.  Motion passed.  Jon offered to brew the beer from the kit and bring it to the event.

Ryan presented copies of a design for the club banner.  Greg and Jacob Walter suggested artistic improvements to the design and will work on the design further.

Jon Stika

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