New Brewer
My son-in-law, Moe, brewed his first batch of beer on February 4, 2009. I supplied the ingredients, equipment and expertise and Moe supplied the manpower. -Jon
My son-in-law, Moe, brewed his first batch of beer on February 4, 2009. I supplied the ingredients, equipment and expertise and Moe supplied the manpower. -Jon
Present: Ryan Jilek, Mike Anderson, Rocky Stoltz, Paul Ellerkamp and Jon Stika. Beer of the month from Town & Country Liquors was Dundee Oktoberfest. Dundee Oktoberfest has a light amber color and very pronounced caramel flavor. It is both sweeter and lacking in the biscuity/bready flavors of a traditional Oktoberfest, Read more…
Present: Rocky Stoltz, Paul Ellerkamp, Jeremy Jahner, Todd Solem, Dale Sattler, Ryan Jilek, Dennis Froemke, Jon Stika, Mike Anderson and Todd Dorval. Welcome to new members Mike Anderson and Todd Dorval! The beer of the month supplied by Town & Country Liquors was Leinenkugel’s Fireside Nut Brown lager. Fireside is Read more…
Here is a link to Brew Your Own’s website with a page for the new brewer to learn how to brew your first batch!
November 20, 2008 Meeting Minutes of the Heart River Home Brewers Present: Todd Solem, Ryan Jilek, Rocky Stoltz, Paul Ellerkamp, Dennis Froemke, Dale Sattler and Jon Stika. Paul reported on the Beaver Creek Brewery in Wibaux, MT that brews and sells beer locally in Wibaux. Ryan brought some Chokecherry Stout Read more…
Present: Dale Sattler, Jon Stika, Dennis Froemke, Todd Solem, Ryan Jilek, Jeremy Jahner, Rocky Stoltz, Paul Ellerkamp, Kelan Luptak* and Jeremy Kruse*. *New members Old Business: Ryan raised a question about including all the mash and sparge water up-front in a single infusion mash, and the consequences of conducting such Read more…
Present: Paul Ellerkamp, Rocky Stoltz, Ryan Jilek and Jon Stika. President Ellerkamp called the meeting to order at 6:30PM at Custom Data. The group discussed a summer picnic and decided that the event would be held at Jilek’s on Saturday September 13 at 4:30PM. Ryan offered to grill beer-can chicken Read more…
July 24, 2008 Meeting of the Heart River Homebrewers Present: Paul Ellerkamp, Rocky Stoltz, Dale Sattler, Jon Stika and Tanner Stika. Meeting held at Custom Data. President Ellerkamp called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. The group briefly discussed a summer picnic. No motion was made but a group consensus Read more…
HRHB meeting minutes – May 22, 2008 Custom Data Dickinson, ND Present: Paul Ellerkamp, Dale Sattler, Dennis Froemke, Ryan Jilek, Rocky Stoltz (at 9PM) and Jon Stika. President Ellerkamp called the meeting to order at 7:40PM. Motion to change the starting time of regular monthly meetings from 7:30PM to 6:30PM Read more…
Present at the April 24, 2008 meeting were; Ryan Jilek, Todd Solem, Rocky Stoltz, Dale Sattler*, Dennis Froemke and Jon Stika. In the absence of President Ellerkamp, Vice President Jilek called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. *Dale Sattler is a new member recruited by Paul Ellerkamp. Ryan informed the Read more…